Friday, September 3, 2010

dry skin products

dry skin products

If you have dry skin products contain collagen, the lower range. As you probably know, beauty and skin care products were not regulated, so they can say anything short of most products are said to cure the actual disease. If the line is crossed, the FDA, that it "believes, drugs," and they are required to demonstrate to back up that claims to produce.Yet the manufacturers say that the sun provides "all day protection," because we all love such security, or it can be said that dry skin creams in the "anti-aging" because many people would turn back the clock. These are just some examples of false allegations are so strong that I believe in them. You get the drift. There's the hype, false statements to the Department of collagen.

Yes, the depletion of collagen leads to loose skin and the signs of aging. But this does not mean that the introduction of collagen cream and then put it in your skin makes no difference to the structure of the skin. The collagen to be effective, must be in the tissues of the skin and the collagen is not absorbed through the skin. The molecules are too big for your skin, pure and simple. This means your skin will be firmer, younger and more flexible than the result of the introduction of collagen.This is not new knowledge. , Therefore, I advise you to dry skin product, which contains the collagen in order to avoid the hype. The manufacturers and marketers know better, but I hope not!

The health of our skin reflects the health of the other body. The fact that as we age we produce less collagen, this is just another reason to take care of ourselves better. Good food, drinking enough water every day, following the principles of a healthy lifestyle, they are the basis for healthy, radiant skin. Our skin is naturally more dry as we age, it remains necessary to use a good moisturizer a few times a week scrubbing.Regeneration of dry skin is not difficult if we are prepared to look after ourselves. How to use the four smooth dry skin products every day. I recommend organic, plant-based moisturizing lotion, moisturizing exfoliant, a botanical toner (no alcohol), and a non-drying soap. That it is. Collagen cream is just not part of the solution.

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